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Student Account FAQs

Student Account Frequently Asked Questions

Tuition and Fees

How do I determine my tuition and fees for each term/semester?

The schedule of tuition and fees can be found under the Costs & Financial Aid section. Tuition and fees are calculated based on the courses in which you are registered for. Tuition is charged per credit and billed each semester along with mandatory student fees. In order to determine how much aid you will need and whether any out-of-pocket expenses will be incurred, please consider the number of units you will be taking when applying for financial aid.

How do I know if I have a balance on my account?

Student billing is generated online and tuition is posted after the Friday of the first week of the semester. You can view your account details on the POC Student Gateway by clicking PO Quick Links “Pay My Bill.” You can view your pending charges and any scheduled financial aid disbursements online prior to tuition posting by selecting the Registration Bill under the Account Information menu on PO Student Gateway.

When are tuition payments due?

Account balances must be resolved by the Monday following the first week of the semester If you are not receiving sufficient financial aid or if you cannot pay your balance in full by that time, you have the option of setting up a monthly payment plan in order for your account to be considered in good standing.

For questions regarding in-term payment plans and making payments, please email [email protected] or call 800-595-6938 Option 2; 2.

Accounts with overdue balances are subject to a billing hold which will prevent the student from modifying his or her schedule or receiving transcript diploma until the balance is resolved and the account is back in good standing. Late fees are assessed for payments received after the due date. All account balances must be paid within the semester in which the balance was incurred and before the student is able to register for subsequent semesters.

How does a payment plan work?

Payment plans divide your balance into monthly installments with the first payment due the Monday following the start of the semester. There is no set-up fee or interest applied to this plan. A billing hold and late fee will be applied to all accounts not paid by the scheduled payment date. All account balances must be paid within the semester in which the balance was incurred and before the student is able to register for subsequent semesters.

How do I make a payment?

Payments may be made online using a credit or debit card or ACH. To make a payment, login to t and click on the Pay My Bill link in the PO Quick links section. Follow the instructions on the screen and click “Pay” then “Confirm Payment.” Your card will not be charged until after you have clicked “Confirm Payment.” To verify your payment has posted, please review your Account Details. Your balance will be updated immediately and a line will be added to your ledger indicating a payment was submitted online.

Make checks payable to Pacific Oaks College and mail to:
Pacific Oaks College
Office of Student Accounts
203 North LaSalle St., Suite 1900
Chicago, IL 60601

I have two holds – a transcript hold and a registration hold. What does this mean?

It means a billing hold has been placed on your account due to an unpaid balance. Please review your Account Details and submit payment in full or establish a payment plan. Holds will be removed automatically within 1 hour of receipt of payment.


I receive financial aid and know that I am due a refund. When will the refund be issued to me?

Financial aid disbursement takes place after the Add/Drop period of the semester. Funds will first be applied toward your account balance and, if you receive an excess of financial aid, a credit will appear on your ledger in the amount that is to be refunded (credits will appear in parentheses). Refunds are issued within 14 days after Pacific Oaks College has received your funding from the Department of Education. If you have established direct deposit, your refund will be automatically deposited (within 14 days) into the bank account you provided on your direct deposit form. If you have elected to receive your refund via paper check, a check will be mailed to your home address within 14 days after the funds have arrived. Please monitor your student account through the Student Gateway for the most up-to-date information. This process cannot be expedited for individual students.

How much is my refund?

To determine your refund amount, subtract your account balance from your scheduled financial aid for the term in question. Please verify your account balance is accurate. Courses added or dropped after the Add/Drop period may not yet be reflected in your account details when financial aid arrives.

How will my refund be issued to me?

Once you are an active student, and you would like to receive your refund via direct deposit into your bank account, then you will need to submit the Direct Deposit Authorization form accessible via the Student Gateway. If we do not have a direct deposit form on file for you, then a paper check will automatically be issued. You may complete a Direct Deposit Authorization form at any time to receive future refunds via direct deposit.

What does a stipend mean on my student account?

An ACH Stipend means your refund will be direct deposited to your bank account within one to three (1 to 3) business days. A stipend associated with a check number means the refund will be issued via check.

What if I add or drop a class?

Students will be assessed the appropriate fees associated with each add or drop. If changes to your schedule are processed after your financial aid refund has been scheduled, you are responsible for any additional tuition or fees. Carrying an outstanding balance on your account as a result of adding or dropping a course may prevent you from registering for future courses. Refunds for dropped courses are issued based on our published refund policy as explained in the catalog. Please note that changes in your enrollment status may result in changes to your financial aid. Please review the catalog for more information.

My refund seems to be smaller this semester than last. Why is this?

If this is your second semester, you most likely had your tuition deposit credited to your account in your first semester. Additionally, you may be registered for more units this semester than in previous sessions, have experienced an increase in tuition and fees, or have received less financial aid this semester. Please review your Account Details on Gateway If you have additional questions, please contact the office of Student Accounts.

I have a question about my student account. Who can I contact?

Student Accounts Advisors are here to assist you in understanding your student account, financial needs and obligations. The office of Student Accounts is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., CST. Student Accounts Advisors can be reached via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 800-645-8603 option 2.



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