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Teacher Credentialing and Education Degree Programs

Teaching Credentialing Programs

Explore California Teaching Credentialing and Continuing Education programs at Pacific Oaks! Learn about state of California requirements and certifications today.. Any credential program must be approved by the state of California, and once completed, students must pass examinations to receive certification.

We pride ourselves on being at the forefront of teacher training. We follow a progressive teaching credentialing program model that prepares students to think critically about diversity, culture, and power. In our Northern and Southern California campus locations, students learn to apply these principles in the classroom and uncover a child’s true learning potential.

Reports indicate that California is experiencing a record shortage of qualified teachers. Current estimates from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing show that California will need an additional 100,000 teachers in the next decade. California has even put a new law in place in an effort to ease the teaching shortage.

How Do I Become a Teacher in California?

If you want to teach in a K–12 classroom, you may consider applying to a teacher preparation program that can recommend you for a teaching credential. The state of California has a two-tier credential structure. A preliminary/level I credential is the first document issued after a candidate meets basic teaching credential requirements through their teacher preparation program. Pacific Oaks College offers two preliminary credentials:

The preliminary credential is valid for a maximum of five years, during which time a candidate must obtain a clear/level II credential. More information on completing the second level is available through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC).

All California public school teachers must have a bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution to earn a teaching credential. However, you do not need to have a bachelor’s degree in order to begin the teaching credential program. Pacific Oaks College offers “blended” programs that allow candidates to complete their undergraduate degree and credential simultaneously and in less time than if they pursued these objectives separately. The two “blended” programs available are the BA Early Childhood Education: Elementary Education and the BA Early Childhood Education: Elementary Education and Special Education.

In addition to completing a bachelor’s degree, candidates must pass the CBEST, a test on reading, writing and math, the CSET, a subject-matter competency exam, and the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA) in order to be recommended for a teaching credential. Preliminary Multiple Subject Credential candidates are also required to pass four California Teaching Performance Assessments (CalTPA). For more information on how Pacific Oaks College administers the CalTPA please refer to our TPA Policy.

Title II Reports for passage rates of license examination

Pacific Oaks College complies with all federal government reporting requirements pursuant to Section 207 of the Higher Education Act Title II passed by Congress in 1998. The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Student Aid Commission require a link to the most current year passing rates of the license examination according to AB 2086. Please see the California Title II Data Dashboards for information on the most recent academic year for which data is available.

Teaching Credentialing and Education Degree Programs Offered at Pacific Oaks

Joint Degree/Credentialing Programs

Stand-Alone California Teaching Credential Programs

Bilingual Authorization Credentials

Careers in Education

With the teacher shortage nationwide, and in California, career opportunities in education and early childhood education are growing. Once you’ve obtained your degree and your credentialing, you could be eligible to apply for the following jobs:

  • Elementary School Teacher in California—including kindergarten and grades 1-12
  • Teacher for students with mild to moderate disabilities in preschool, kindergarten, and grades 1-12 in classroom settings as well as adults through the age of 22

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, California has the highest teacher employment rate in the country.

Can I Get My Teaching Credentials Online?

The Pacific Oaks teaching credentialing programs are available only in-person at our Pasadena, California campus. This is in place due to the credentialing programs being specifically designed to follow the California Commission on Credentialing (CTC). Observation, fieldwork, and student teaching hours all must be completed in California classrooms as well.

Teaching Credential Virtual Information Session Video

During this recording of an information session, you’ll learn about the Teaching Credentialing process for Elementary Education and Special Education teachers in California, and how the B.A., M.A., and Stand-Alone teacher education degree programs at Pacific Oaks College can help prepare you to make a difference in the classroom. Hear about our approach to preparing you for your career and the way we support you to become a culturally-minded role model for your students.

Credentials Office

Students with questions about California preliminary teaching credential requirements, student teaching, or the intern credential, should visit the Credentials Office page or contact the Credential Analyst at [email protected].

All inquiries from prospective students should be directed to Admissions.


Our Pasadena-based campus will remain closed through January 20. Click "More Info" for additional information.