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Social Justice and Diversity at Pacific Oaks

Since the founding of our institution almost 75 year ago, Pacific Oaks has demonstrated a continued commitment to social justice and diversity.

This is reflected through our diverse community of students, alumni, faculty, and staff—people with a wide range of experiences and perspectives. It is proven through our continued commitment to integrating anti-bias curriculum into our culturally-centered academic programs and our involvement with social justice movements both locally and nationally.


  • Known for our progressive approach to education, we were tasked with pioneering one of the nation’s first Head Start training programs by the U.S. government. The goal was to combat poverty by making early childhood education more accessible to children from low-income families and disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Former President Pat Breen, moved by the Time’s Up organization’s commendable actions in addressing systemic inequality and injustice in the workplace, wrote a letter pledging the support of Pacific Oaksto their cause.
  • Our newly formed Center for Community & Social Impact works alongside communities to identify and dismantle social injustices and inequities by empowering people to facilitate impactful and sustainable change.
  • We celebrate local leaders making a difference, as well as recognize those striving to create a more diverse, equal, and inclusive world during our annual Social Justice Night Awards.



Armenian Japanese Mandarin Thai
Farsi Korean Spanish Turkish
Italian Laotian Tagalog
  • Our faculty and staff is just as multicultural as our students, and brings that diversity into our work in admissions, human resources, advancement, and academics.


Student Statistics for Fall 2020 (reported)

Latinx: 55.7% Black: 11.7% Two or more: 2.6%
Asian: 4.5% White: 19.2%



Our Pasadena-based campus will remain closed through January 20. Click "More Info" for additional information.